Daybreak Moses started out in 2005 as a studio project of producers/musicians Andy Lübbert, Manuel Bastian and the American singer Daniel Heusmann.

Daniel knew how to put his unique voice to use while performing his own songs at the open mic night at the Irish Pub in Pirmasens, Germany. Andy Lübbert with years of experience in producing bands and Manuel Bastian who ́s unique guitar playing has reached acclaimed fame all the way to Los Angeles instantly decided to produce a record with him.

Unfortunately at that time Daniel was involved with his own band in the US so the project had to be put on hold. Fate had a hand in this and only three months later Daniel had quit his job with his old band, booked a flight to Germany and together they started what should eventually become Day- break Moses.

Their unique journey began and challenges such as flying back and forth across the Atlantic ocean, their no-compromise approach to sound quality, Daniels Day job, financing by playing cover gigs and doing other productions for a living and personal problems, had to be mastered. In the end they were glad that it took that long, because everyone got to know themselves and each other much better, but most of all, Daybreak Moses found their own philosophy and sound! And in the seven years that passed none of them stopped for a second to believe in this album.

Finally here it is – Daybreak Moses present their debut album “Antenna” – songs that speak for themselves and about life in all its strange and beautiful aspects.

Over time a deep friendship has evolved between Pirmasens, Germany and Austin, Texas and Daybreak Moses canʻt wait to meet again for the recording sessions for their second album, which are about to begin this year.

  • Andy Lübbert – Git/Voc
  • Daniel Heusmann – Voc/Git
  • Manuel Bastian – Git/Bass/Voc